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Here is some example Python for Raspberry Pi by Chris Nelson:
#!/usr/bin/env python """A simple/readable example of driving a Shiftbrite / Octobar / Allegro A6281 via hardware SPI on the Raspberry Pi. You must have /dev/spidev* devices / bcm2708_spi driver for this to work. """ import fcntl, array, RPi.GPIO as GPIO ### Configuration ### # set to the number of modules you are controlling. If this is a shiftbrite, #it would be 1, if it's an octobar, 8, etc NUM_LEDS = 8 #In addition to the hardware SPI pins, we require two general GPIO pins for #the enable and latch pins. It doesn't matter what pins you use ENABLE_PIN = 23 LATCH_PIN = 24 def pack_color(red, green, blue): """Takes 10 bits of each color (0-1023) and packs it into the four bytes needed by the LED controller Ported from: """ rv = bytearray(4) #2bit control, 6bit blue rv[0] = (0b00 << 6) & 0b11111111 | blue >> 4 #4bit blue, 4 bit red rv[1] = (blue << 4) & 0b11111111 | red >> 6 #6bit red, 2 bit green rv[2] = (red << 2) & 0b11111111 | green >> 8 #8bits green rv[3] = green & 0b11111111 return rv def update_leds(bytes): """Just write the byte array out to the SPI device and toggle the latch""" #write the shit out over SPI spidev.write(bytes) spidev.flush() #latch, #rpi is slow enough we don't need a delay here GPIO.output(LATCH_PIN, 1) GPIO.output(LATCH_PIN, 0) def set_led(num, red, green, blue): """helper function to quickly set an LED color Don't use this in production code, global is bad mmmkay? """ global leds leds[num*4:(num*4)+4] = pack_color(red, green, blue) if __name__ == "__main__": #open the SPI device for writing spidev = file("/dev/spidev0.0", "wb") #set the speed of the SPI bus, 5000000 == 5mhz #Magic number below is from spidev.h SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ #TODO: can I reference this as a constant from termios? fcntl.ioctl(spidev, 0x40046b04, array.array('L', [5000000])) #setup our GPIO GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(ENABLE_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(LATCH_PIN, GPIO.OUT) #both pins low to start GPIO.output(LATCH_PIN, 0) GPIO.output(ENABLE_PIN, 0) #setup the initial LED state as a byte array of 4 bytes per module leds = bytearray(4 * NUM_LEDS) #set leds to red / green / blue set_led(0, 1023, 0, 0) set_led(1, 0, 1023, 0) set_led(2, 0, 0, 1023) set_led(3, 1023, 0, 0) set_led(4, 0, 1023, 0) set_led(5, 0, 0, 1023) set_led(6, 1023, 0, 0) set_led(7, 0, 1023, 0) #write the data to the strip update_leds(leds)